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Probabilistic Oriented Object Detection in Automotive Radar
RSS 2021, Spotlight Talk 29: Radar Odometry Combining Probabilistic Estimation and Unsupervised...
RADDet Radar Object Detection Inference Example
[WACV 2022] Fusion Point Pruning for Optimized 2D Object Detection with Radar Camera Fusion
Automotive radar interference detection and mitigation discussion
Demo 1: Automotive Radar
Robust Camera Radar Sensor Fusion using Gated Region of Interest Fusion (IROS 2020)
ICRA'2020 Talk - CNN based Road User Detection using the 3D Radar Cube
Vayyar's Automotive 4D Imaging Radar Solutions
RADIATE: Radar-Only Vehicle Detection
Extended Kalman filter to estimate position and speed, tracking object with LiDAR and Radar
High-Resolution Radar Dataset for Semi-Supervised Learning of Dynamic Objects